Frequently Asked Questions

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.

Emergency information

If you are an emergency case requiring immediate attention, please call (201) 854-7800. Please leave your contact information, description of emergency and we will get back to you A.S.A.P.

What can I expect at an appointment?

When you arrive at the 7800 Dental Care, the staff will greet you and seat you at the waiting room. We will examine you as quick as possible – average waiting time is 15 minutes.

What happens if I am a new patient?

You may have referred yourself, have been referred by another specialist or by Medical Insurance. We will discuss your problem and ask about your medical history. A thorough examination with x-rays will then follow. We may request examinations and tests to assist and support our diagnosis.

We will discuss with you the results of your examinations and we will recommend the proper treatment. Some conditions may be faced immediately by conservative or surgical treatment.

Otherwise, depending on the results of your examinations, we will then proceed with treatment needed. If follow-up appointments or further consultations are required, we will indicate this and the staff will let you know the date and time of your next visit.

Do you have Digital Imaging facilities?


We have intra-oral & extra-oral digital x-rays , and panoramic mouth views,  that can be performed on location.

Do you examine children at your clinic?


We treat children over the age of 5.

What if I need Anesthetic?

Our office only uses local intra-oral anesthesia.

What happens if I need a prescription?

If you require pre-treatment or post-treatment prescriptions, the Doctor will prescribe appropriate medication at time of visit.

Insurance and Billing

Do you accept my insurance?

Our office accepts most major Dental Insurance companies. Please call to confirm your insurance.

If this is not your case, or if you have no insurance coverage then you will be expected to pay the bill in cash or credit card at the end of consultation. The original receipt, the signed copy of the credit card bill, the medical report in English and the results of tests performed are given to you in order to be delivered to your private or state insurance for reimbursement.

An estimate of treatment fees and costs,  are available on request.


Don't waste your precious time. Visit 7800 Dental Care and start smiling!